Introducing My New Business Model for 2023

I am excited to announce that in 2023, I will be changing the way I do business. Moving forward, all my artwork will only be available through participating galleries. This new approach will allow me to focus on creating more art while still making my work accessible to customers around the world. Let’s take a closer look at why and how this change is happening.

Why I'm Changing My Model

The primary reason for this shift is that it allows me to dedicate more time to creating new pieces without having to worry about finding ways to market them or keeping up with customer inquiries. With this new model, the galleries manage all those details while I can focus solely on producing artwork and building relationships with the galleries.

How It Will Work

This change will benefit customers as well! Instead of ordering directly from me, customers can visit any participating gallery in person or online and purchase my artwork directly from the gallery. This makes it easier than ever for people everywhere to enjoy my work and has the bonus of allowing them to connect with local businesses too!

In addition, each gallery provides its own unique insight into my work and offers customers an opportunity for an immersive experience. This helps create a deeper connection between myself and my customers – something that wouldn't be possible if we were dealing strictly with online transactions.


I am excited about this new business model, as it will not only enable me to continue creating art but also open more opportunities for customers around the world to experience my work firsthand without having to rely on online purchases alone. Participating galleries provide a unique platform through which people can discover and interact with my artworks in a meaningful way while supporting small businesses at the same time! It's going to be a wonderful year ahead!


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